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675 Snack Bar Building Contest

2010.12.03. 08:00 - tutuka

Our blog, – mostly for the age of its bloggers – is a committed devotee of classic Town sets. Our love is so big, that we might even be partial sometimes, wagging our head we tell critics about the new City sets, asking where all the charm, playfulness, loveliness and the numerous, small, multipurpose pieces have gone.

We certainly know, that we are not always and not utterly right, when we call sets of a perfectly changed world to account for the mood of kits manufactured nearly thirty years ago. So the question which won’t let us be, is evident: How would the proper sets of early 80’s look like, if put on the market today.

We have decided, to choose a simple set, which bears all the typical marks of the era, to be the theme of our building competition, and we lead you on to think it again and think it through, build something, that could even get to the conveyors of today’s factories. Not to make the task easy, you should try to transplant all the loveliness, eurhythmy, charm and playfulness, that is carried by the original.

The object of the contest is the 675 Snack Bar, delivered in 1979.

No doubt you wll have a difficult task, since the set is so cleared out and simple, that either adding to it or taking from it, is hard, but we belive in you, and in the endless creativity that is LEGO and you, together.
Rules are simple and considering the level of difficulty, we have given you a whole bunch of time. You will have something to do in the Christmas holiday.

  • creations have to arrive till 11:59 pm on 30th December 2010, to snackbar675@gmail.com
  • Send at least 3, but not more than 5 photos of your creation. Size of one photo should not exceed 1MB.
  • We accept one creation per contestant. If you send more, your first one will be considered.
  • Only send cretions that have not been sent to any other contest yet.
  • Use only LEGO, neglect clone-manufacturers.
  • Don’t hurt your LEGO, every used piece should be intact.
  • Use of labels/stickers are permitted

Creations will be juried in the first week of January by a jury that has 5 members, so if scoring leads to a draw, points from the founder of the blog will decide. If there is still no decision, we force a dissension, by all 5 members voting to one of the equals. As in case of our first contest, we jury creations of anonymated contestants, names will be attached to creations after totalizing results.

The main prize of the contest is, of course, a 675 Snack Bar set in outstanding condition, while for 2nd and 3rd place will be rewarded with a smaller Town set each.


Címkék: lego bar snack 675

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